Undawn – The Walking Dead of PUBG M (Review + Gameplay)

We all remember the zombie survival mode from PUBG. But guys, this is something crazy. After the release of this game called Undawn, everyone started thinking no way this game could rival PUBG. I mean, there are thousands of PUBG clones all over the Play Store and App Store. 

But Tencent Games, with their unmatched development and the right use of Unreal Engine 4, has developed this Gem that might just let you abandon PUBG. 

So in this blog, we’ll talk about everything you need to know about The Walking Dead, oh, I mean Undawn, haha, and whether or not you should play it. 

Game Size

Undawn Review | Gametonite.com

The first thing to notice is that Undawn has a game size of 366 Megabytes. So naturally, I had very low expectations from the game. But when you start the game, an additional 4+ Gigabytes of data must be installed even to start the game. 

From here, you can understand that there’s a lot of content to be discovered. 

Survival Aspect and Storyline – It Gets You HYPED!

Undawn Review | Gametonite.com

Talking about the storyline, the game revolves around a post-apocalyptic zombie world. The whole of humanity perished after a mysterious meteor hit the Earth, and blah blah blah blah blah, humans did some messed up things, the zombies came, and now our main character is stuck in a world where he must survive and save the people around him.

Storywise, Undawn is the most cliche zombie game you’ll even find. After the tutorial, our main character joins a group of badasses called the Raven Squad, which you join, to fight off many zombies and find shelter for the common people.

Survival Aspect – I Had to Keep RUNNING!

So, while I was playing Undawn, I realized that this game is a great survival game where you have to put in the world to build your own house, but that’s where the craziness starts. Some things in this game don’t make sense.

I mean, it’s obvious that Tencent took a lot of time in developing the survival aspect, but honestly, the survival aspect, being able to craft a gun with just iron ore, and other generic materials, the survival aspects don’t look sincere or well-researched.

Another weird thing is that you can make a toilet with just a couple of clay bricks. But I understand that Tencent just needed to get stuff done because they were aiming for so many survival aspects, like materials, guns, and others, that they couldn’t focus on making the survival aspect look super-realistic. 

Mid Storyline

While the Anime style graphics were pretty fun to watch, the storyline is too bland. For example, it’s so generic that you’re the same old hero who goes into the post-apocalyptic world thinking he’s the real deal. Then he meets a group of badasses, and the story never ends.

There comes a point where it just gets super-generic and repetitive. Surprisingly, your missions are always zombies attacking while you use your shotgun to kill a thousand zombies and keep getting ammo out of the crate. Things can get a bit boring.

I wouldn’t say Undawn is boring, but it’s too simple. In a world where games like Resident Evil exist, Undawn cannot compete; if you’re a fan of simple action games, Undawn is the perfect example of what happens if the zombie factor is added into a battle royale series. 

The game looks quite similar to LifeAfter; I’ll go as far as to say that Tencent might’ve taken a lot of inspiration, while it used to be the other way around. So storyline-wise, I wasn’t impressed. Tencent did what they needed to do and made a nice Walking Dead parody of PUBG mobile. 

Undawn Gameplay – I Didn’t Expect This

Gameplay-wise, I think Undead could’ve been better. But if you’re a fan of PUBG Mobile, then Undead might just become your favorite title. It’s surely not a joke to develop a game of this caliber for mobile.

You start doing small missions, and as you progress, the missions get harder and harder. I just wish they wouldn’t be this generic. Anyways, the character interaction in Undawn is one of the best I’ve ever seen in a game. 

You get to meet Sherry, Tang, Caine, and others who will guide you through the game. The dialogues can be a bit cringy. For example, when Sherry was singing a song while the main character was sleeping, it couldn’t get any more Rapunzel than this. 

Moreover, the shooting mechanics and driving are similar to what PUBG has. If you come from PUBG Mobile, you’ll see that almost every aspect of the game seems similar. The graphics, buttons, shooting recoil, the weapons, everything looks PUBG alike. 

Undawn Graphics – Just FLAWLESS!

The graphics? Beautiful! In my humble opinion, Undawn looks much more graphically pleasing than LifeAfter. The game has the same Smooth, High, Ultra, and Extreme settings as PUBG, and the results speak for themselves.

But honestly, the graphics just speak volumes about the game itself. From buildings, materials, and trees, to even the game’s UI, everything seems positive, and that’s what I love about the game. 

Performance and Optimization 

But things get a bit weird on the performance and optimization side. The game is not as optimized or might be too much for regular mobile phones. I used Samsung’s S21 Ultra, and it would start stuttering right when I decided to record the game. 

The game stutters a lot on my device. I use Samsung’s S21 Ultra. It can be the Exynos Processor, known for not performing optimally in games.

If you set the graphics to smooth and ultra FPS, that’s where you can enjoy it without lag. I had to point this out!

Comparison with PUBG

Finally, when we compare the game to PUBG, yes, it can be a replacement for PUBG, but only if you care about the survival aspect. Both games are basically the same with players worldwide, so you won’t feel lonely. But honestly, if you’re looking for zombie survival, Undawn offers much more than PUBG’s regular Zombie  Survival Mode. 

You can find the link in our blog, so I’ll link it down in the description if you want to start playing. 

And that’s about it for the blog, do let us know what you think about Undawn and whether it can replace PUBG.

Until next time, PEACE. 

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