TOP 5 Games to Play before TEKKEN 8 (Best Games)

Tekken 8 is supposed to be released in the latter half of 2023 or early 2024. But what are some of the best games like Tekken 8 that you can play? This article will cover the top 5 best games to play before TEKKEN 8. So without further due, lets get started.

READ MORE: Top 10 BEST Games like TEKKEN 8 for (Android & iOS)

King of Fighters XV

Similarity Score: 7/10

Ever since the year 1964, King of Fighters has been killing it… literally! The 15th version builds on the 14th-anniversary version but surpasses it in many areas starting from combat. The game brings more advanced graphics with solid mechanics and a modern look, giving you a battery gameplay experience. 

King of Fighters XV is still a 3v3 fighter with many twists and turns. There are 39 unique characters to choose from, which is insane already, and the combat is just fire. If you’re someone who likes TEKKEN 8, King of Fighters XV will be the ideal choice for you.


Similarity Score: 8/10

Well, well, well…what do we have here? GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2, huh? Sounds like a fancy name for a game about lawyers. But no, no, no, it’s a fighting game! And not just any fighting game, but one with characters that look like they belong in a heavy metal band.

Have you seen these characters? They’ve got more spikes and leather than a dominatrix convention. And don’t even get me started on the hair – it’s like they all got electrocuted by a high-voltage power line.

But all jokes aside, GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 is a pretty solid fighting game. The action is fast-paced and intense, and the combos are as flashy as they are devastating. And the best part? With a well-timed attack, you can make your opponent’s character explode into a shower of pixels. Who doesn’t love a good explosion?

Overall, GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 is worth checking out if you like fighting games or heavy metal music. Just be prepared to see more leather and spikes in a video game than you ever thought possible.


Similarity Score: 8.5/10

Ladies and gentlemen, gather round, for I have just played the newest and most thrilling game of the century: Sifu! Yes, that’s right, Sifu, the game where you play as an elderly kung fu master who beats up bad guys with the power of his walking stick.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Wow, an elderly kung fu master? That sounds super exciting and not at all like something my grandpa would do.” But trust me, folks, Sifu is anything but boring. It’s like playing a Jackie Chan movie, except you’re the one doing all the stunts (and also walking with a cane).

The combat in Sifu is truly next-level, with every attack feeling like a satisfying thwack to the face. And the best part? You get to watch your enemies age in real time as you beat them up. It’s like a reverse Benjamin Button, except instead of getting younger, they just get more bruised.

But that’s not all! Sifu also features a unique “life bar” system, where every time you die, you age a little bit. 

That’s right, folks, death has consequences in this game, and those consequences are wrinkles and gray hair.

Overall, Sifu is the game that proves age is just a number, and that anyone can be a badass kung fu master if they put their mind to it. So if you’re looking for a game that will make you feel like an old but still cool martial artist, then Sifu is the game for you!

Dead or Alive 6

Similarity Score: 9/10

Dead or Alive 6, the latest entry in the iconic fighting game series, is a breathtakingly intense experience that will test your skills and your nerves like never before.

From the moment you enter the arena, you’ll feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as you square off against a fierce array of opponents. The combat mechanics are complex and nuanced, requiring split-second reactions and strategic thinking to emerge victorious.

But it’s not just about the fighting – Dead or Alive 6 also features a stunning array of characters, each with their own unique backstory and fighting style. Whether you prefer the lightning-fast strikes of Kasumi or the bone-crushing throws of Bass, there’s a fighter here that will suit your style.

Street Fighter 6

Similarity Score: 10/10

Street Fighter 6 is the coolest cat in the fighting game scene, baby! It’s got all the sweet moves and flashy combos you could ask for, with a roster of characters that’ll make your head spin faster than a hurricane kick.

From the classic fighters like Ryu and Ken to the newer faces like Rashid and Laura, there’s a ton of variety here that’ll keep you coming back for more. And the graphics? Oh man, they’re smooth as butter. You’ll be drooling over every pixel, I guarantee it.

But what really sets Street Fighter 6 apart is the online play. It’s fast, furious, and a blast to show off your skills to players from around the world. You’ll be kicking butt and taking names like a champ in no time, trust me.

So if you’re looking for a game that’s as cool as a polar bear’s toenails and as fun as a barrel of monkeys, then Street Fighter 6 is the game for you, my friend. Get ready to throw down and show the world what you’re made of!

Games to Play before TEKKEN 8 | GameTonite

Final Verdict

And that’s about it for the article for games to play before TEKKEN 8. Let me know if you like my funny style so I can switch it up really quickly. As always, make sure to comment down below, and don’t miss our future articles. Until next time, PEACE.

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