Company of Heroes 3 – 10 Things You Need To Know

Real-time strategy games have recently blown up and Company of Heroes 3 is on top. These games are often quite competitive due to their multiplayer nature, and if you’re new to Company of Heroes 3, we have compiled a list of 10 things you need to know. 

Whether you’re starting or are a veteran in this game, these tips will help you stay ahead of the curve. So without further ado, let’s dive straight into the blog. 

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10. Easiest Way To Get Out of Danger

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Early in the game, you will understand the importance of vehicles and why they’re important for combat. Company of Heroes 3 contains an army-oriented armored truck that is quite strong. However, what would you do if your strategy goes straight into the enemy’s den and you find yourself in the most vulnerable place?

Well, it’s quite simple. In this game, vehicles have armor around the whole body, but the front side is the strongest. So, whenever you find yourself slaving away in danger, it’s time to leave. Remember, in James Bond or any other action movie like Bad Boy, they simply reverse their vehicles whenever you need to get out of trouble. Similarly, this Company of Heroes 3 follows the same mechanism to escape. 

9. Always Stay in Cover

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Compared to its predecessors, Company of Heroes 3 is quite intense. For example, if you leave your units exposed without any covers, you will get ANNIHILATED like there’s no tomorrow. Hence, staying on the cover and fighting from a place of cover is always better. 

Buildings are usually hailed as the best protection for most units, and the cover is strong whenever you see green squares. But if there are yellow squares, then the cover is weak. Lastly, if the square is white, there are no covers. The tip is to be in cover to protect your troops and win efficiently. 

8. Leverage the Retreat Function

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The thing that makes Company of Heroes 3 so unique is the retreat function. When you’re in the nick of a battle, your units will most probably be in a bad position. In the game, you have six soldiers that have their health.  But your squad will be wiped out if all the soldiers are dead.

But if your squad makes it back to the base with soldiers, they can heal and reinforce. You can reinforce any infantry unit by pressing the “R” key. By retreating, you can come back stronger and have an even bigger impact on the battlefield. 

7. Leverage the Tactical Pause

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When things get heated, what do you do? You may try to win, which is a good idea. However,  in Company of Heroes 3, you get a feature called “The Tactical PAUSE.” Using the tactical pause will give you room for breathing so you can think about your strategy again. 

By pressing the spacebar on your device, you can plan and come back with an even better strategy. Your main goal while using Tactical Pause should be to read the strengths and weaknesses of each Unit, Upgrade, and Ability. 

6. How To Avoid Suppressive Fire

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My worst nightmare while playing Company of Heroes 3 was when the enemy would bring their huge vehicle, MG turret, or any kind of badass weaponry, and all my troops would be there with no cover. As you expected, that resulted in a bloodbath, making me lose again and again.

So what do you do when the suppressive fire is targeted toward you? After extensive research and trying many solutions, I saw that buildings were a great hack for your units to avoid heavy damage. Moving your troops to buildings will minimize the damage while providing you with a great cover to defeat the enemies. 

5. Capture Points as Soon as Possible

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From the very start of the battle, your aim should be to capture strategic points. There are many points in the game, like victory points and more. The victory points will have a start on the map that will change in the color of the team who’s captured them. 

So, very early in the game, you should go heavy and capture the victory point so the enemies will have to change their approach towards you. 

4. Flank the Enemies to Confuse Them

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Even if your unit is in a cover, that doesn’t mean it’s safe from all directions. The units are only safe on sides you have covered, so you’re doomed if the enemy squad can reach from any other side. 

However, to counter that, you should learn the art of flanking, which is just pushing around to the side or behind the enemy to use their tactic on themselves. So as soon as you find them without a cover, you can start attacking heavily, throwing them off. 

3. Make a Lot of Buildings

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Right from the get-go, you should focus on constructing more buildings. Select them from the bottom right panel below the regular units to start building. Buildings are important to increase your troops, unlock special abilities, and keep improving as you challenge your opponents. 

When you make the first building, you will enable more advanced infantry units and weapons, and the second building will enable the construction of specialized infantry like snipers. 

2. Learn Hotkeys for an Efficient Gameplay

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To become the best player, you must learn some skills. In Company of Heroes 3, you should learn hotkeys which are quick commands to do certain tasks. For example, press the “R” key to retreat. To pause the game, you need to use the spacebar. After you learn about these hotkeys, your battling abilities will skyrocket toward victory. 

1. Have Space Between Your Troops

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One of the worst mistakes you can make as a beginner is to place all your troops in the same position. If you’re using multiple troops, you should put space between them for a simple reason. Let’s say that you have all your troops in a single position, and your enemy decides to throw a grenade. You’re pretty much doomed, aren’t you?

Well, that’s the truth of RTS games since your strategy matters most. So, make sure to have space between the troops when deploying them.

Final Verdict

And that’s about it. In a world of Real-Time Strategy games, Company of Heroes 3 shines. The newly released title will surely give you one heck of a time, and you will constantly need to find new ways to optimize your strategy and wins. 

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